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Daniel Webster for Neurofeedback with purple background

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Daniel Webster for Neurofeedback with purple background

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Neurofeedback and Kaiser Neuromaps – an advanced qEEG brain map – have numerous applications in rehabilitation.  We can detect, and aid recovery, in concussion, TBI, Stroke and neurodegenerative conditions.  These are evidence-based through peer-reviewed research, and the process is medication-free, non-invasive and enjoyable.  Note that this is a non-diagnostic, complementary approach.

Neurofeedback training has the potential to slow down the actual and perceived progress of various conditions by virtue of its positive structural effects (e.g. promoting myelination) and simultaneous palliative effect.  It’s also an effective complementary therapy for various secondary effects, such as depression, anxiety, sleep and focus disorders.

Brain maps and neurofeedback training have numerous applications and provide an evidence-based, non-invasive, medication-free complementary therapy:

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With a qEEG brain map, and specific software, we can gain insight into how different brain areas are communicating with each other – functional connectivity.  

This interaction is altered in concussion/TBI and neurodegeneration, such as in mTBI, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntinton’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS.  In fact, different conditions show specific patterns of altered functionality, which has been discovered in fMRI research.  qEEG provides us with a comfortable complementary approach, as we can also see connections rather than just activations of brain areas.  

The neuromarkers are necessary, but not sufficient conditions.  Diagnosis should be sought first and foremost through primary medical channels.  Brain maps and neurofeedback can help by providing an alternate view, often before lesions or damage is visible by other means. 

Early detection can provide a way of mitigating the manifestations of neurodegeneration, by means of lifestyle changes and other medical interventions, as well as neurofeedback training, which is evidence-based.

Neurodegeneration in the form of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis or TBI can be detected with a qEEG brain map revealing altered functional connectivity neuromarkers

Neurofeedback lets us train dysrythmic brain areas.  Rather than engaging the conscious mind, which slows us down, we are training preconscious processes.  

With sensors comfortably fitted to the brain areas we want to train, we detect brainwave patterns real-time while watching a movie.  When these patterns are inefficient, the volume drops momentarily.  This is the feedback we are giving our brain, it is solely auditory or visual, and the sensors are for measurement only.

The brain area we are training recognises this – while our conscious mind is focussed on the movie – and adjusts its behaviour to restore the normal volume.  With repetition, throughout a session, learning occurs.  

Meanwhile our conscious mind is solely focussed on the film showing on the screen; the training process is passive in this sense and all that is required of the person is to be engaged by the movie of choice.  

Sessions can last from fifteen minutes to over two hours when tolerated.  We generally achieve substantial calming in session that make previously unthought of film durations now attainable.

Neurofeedback training enhances structural and functional connectivity in key brain networks. 

Neurofeedback is non-invasive, medication-free complementary therapy for various aspects of neuro-Rehabilitation.  

With neurofeedback training, we can help the brain re-establish key physical and functional connections following a traumatic brain injury.  

As the brain is pushed into a defensive state following physical trauma, character traits adapt resulting in hypervigilance, anxiety and mood and sleep dysregulation.  Neurofeedback training is shown to be effective in treating these issues. 

Key white matter tracts, or long distance information superhighways, have been shown to strengthen as a result of neurofeedback training, with concomitant positive cognitive effects.

A Kaiser Neuromap lets us identify areas of vulnerability on which to base Personalised Brain Training on. 

We can also address cortical motor areas as well as brain areas responsible for speech comprehension and generation. 

Neurofeedback is evidence-based and effective.  See also “Neurofeedback for Neurodegenerative Disorders” and “Neurofeedback for Aphasia“.

Neurofeedback training improves cognitive ability and strengthens white and gray matter per Ghaziri Study 2013 "Neurofeedback Training induces Changes in White and Gray Matter"
Neurofeedback can Strengthen Neuronal Pathways​

With neurofeedback, we can train white matter tracts, thus improving structural connectivity between distant brain areas.  

In healthy patients, this growth correlated with cognitive improvements.  

It is encouraging to see research demonstrating the positive structural effects neurofeedback can have.   

This is particularly relevant in rehabilitation following an insult to the brain, such as physical trauma, and the ensuing hemodynamic processes.

We are giving the brain impulses and guidance to improve its own regeneration. 

Research on Neurofeedback and Speech & Languange

Neurofeedback training was shown to improve speech-in-noise perception and auditory discrimination that was applicable post training and long-lasting.  This shows that we can positively affect neural encoding of acoustic inputs in the auditory cortex, a frequent issue with autistic individuals. 

In ADHD children, neurofeedback training improved visual memory, enhanced auditory short-term memory and auditory working memory.  

Biofeedback produced better and more lasting effects than traditional therapy in behavioural dysphonia.  

Neurofeedback was shown to improve the ability to identify emotional prosodic intonations

Phonetic recognition and reading skills have been shown to improve with neurofeedback training, another important component of speech and language acquisition (see “Dyslexia”).  

Personalised Brain Training is a holistic approach; we also train brain areas relating to focus, motivation and sense of self, as well as sequencing and motor skills, all of which contribute to the development of speech.  

 – Neurofeedback training was shown to be effective with Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS) 

 – efficaceous treatment for chronic posttraumatic headache sustained in military service

 – neurofeedback therapy showed significant changes in structural and functional connectivity in young TBI patients, with cognitive scores and concussion symptoms improving significantly

 – neurofeedback is shown to be an effective intervention for auditory memory

 – deemed “probably an excellent complementary technique” that produced clear benefits in divided and sustained attention, visuospatial skills and the processing speed of motor-dependent tasks in persons with severe TBI

 – beneficial outcomes in upper limb stroke rehabilitation

 – neurofeedback training can lead to a learned modulation of brain signals with associated changes at both neural and behavioural level

 – modulation of premotor cortex and associated motor control areas can be achieved with neurofeedback training

 – improvements in TBI / PTSD in Vietnam Veterans across domains of cognition, pain, sleep, fatigue, mood/emotion, PTSD symptoms and overall activity levels

 – patients report improvement in a wide range of neuropsychiatric symptoms in TBI following neurofeedback training

 – result of 40 neurofeedback sessions included significant improvements in several motor tasks

– Alpha-Theta neurofeedback training has a “beneficial effect on symptom reduction as well as perceived stress.  It also has a beneficial effect on levels of serum cortisol” involving a significant reduction during acute recovery

While outcomes are unpredictable, there is research to show that neurofeedback can have very beneficial effects on rehabilitation following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  Moreover, case reports by clinicians show remarkable recoveries.  Neurofeedback training has also been shown to be able to strengthen white matter tracts, suggesting that positive structural changes are possible with training. The following research reports show improvements in motor and functional skills following neurofeedback training:


Neurofeedback is evidence-based complementary therapy with over 2000 PubMed peer-reviewed research reports

Neurofeedback for Rehabilitation, Concussion, TBI, Stroke